Water purifiers, bring more than just water purification...

Water purifier is not used to cure diseases, but it can prevent you from getting sick, it is like you buy health insurance and car insurance, in fact, who wants to get such insurance compensation? This is not a rainy day, buy a peace of mind and peace of mind? If you wait until the body really has problems, you remember to install water purifier, it will be all too late! Drinking water pollution, how dangerous is it to health? Some research results show that many cancers are induced by chemical carcinogens in the environment. Up to now, the total number of chemical contaminants found in drinking water in the United States has exceeded 2,100, of which 97 have been identified as carcinogens and suspected carcinogens, another 133 are mutagenic, tumorigenic or toxic contaminants, the remaining 90% of the contaminants have no or how many carcinogens have not been determined. Water purifier as a result of scientific and technological progress, can be for different areas of water quality ch...